Entries by Admin

GPS Coordinates Are Dangerous Part II

Robert J. Arnold, P.S. Continuing our discussion of State Plane Coordinates or what some erroneously designate as “GPS Coordinates” from last time, I should first clarify that State Plane Coordinates are not “dangerous” by themselves.  What is dangerous is what people do with the information that they think they have. When a residential client asks […]

GPS Coordinates Are Dangerous Part I

Robert J. Arnold, P.S. I have been hearing a troubling statement from many different corners of my clientele, “Can you get me the GPS coordinate on that”?  I’ve heard it from residential clients, Architects, Professional Engineers, and yes Professional Surveyors too.  The thing is…there’s no such thing. A coordinate system is a way to describe […]

“The Mastodon and the Tuscola County Drain”

Michael W. Quaine, P.E. Imagine sometime between 11,000 to 13,000 years ago, a Mastodon wanders into a bog area on a cold spring day to feed on the local flora.  Ice clings to his hair and eye lashes.  A small pond, formed from glacial out-melt, beckons him to wade in.  A sharp stab wheels him […]

“Why Wasn’t a Survey Done?!!”

Robert J. Arnold, P.S. This week I received an interesting question from one of my contacts in the real estate sales industry concerning the difference between a legal description and a Boundary Survey.  Specifically, they were questioning how it is that a legal description can be written when creating a new parcel out of a […]